Will of Daniel Wheelock
of Glocester, RI
(1744 - 1781)
(Transcribed by Roderick B. Sullivan, Jr. Mar 2000)
(Written 15 Mar 1781)
(Probated 15 Sep 1781)
In the Name of God, Amen the fifteenth day of March AD 1781 I Daniel Wheelock Jur. of Glocester in the county of Providence & in the State of Rhode Island Husbandman, being in a poor State of health in body, but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be Given to God, therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body, & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this my Last will & testament that is to Say principally and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God [I?] give it and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executrix, nothing doubting, but at the general Resurrection I Shall Receive the Same again by the mighty power of God; and touching Such worldly Estate where with it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this LIfe, I give demise and Dispose of the Same in the following manner & form
Imprimas, I Give & bequeth to Keziah my dearly beloved wife the one half of my indoor moveables, with one half of my Stock of Cattle and Sheep and Horses, and the whole of the House I now Live in whom [I?] [like?] wife constitue make & ordain my Sole Executrix of this - my Last will and Testament.
Item: I give to my well beloved Daughter Hannah Wheelock the other half of my indoor moveables & one half of my Stock of Cattle and Sheep and Horses, to be Equally divided between her & her mother.
Item: I give to my four Sons Namely - Esek, Seth, Calven; and Leuther the whole of the Lands that I now own in a Township called Franconia in the State of New Hampsher to be Equally divided between them, and further more the whole of my out door moveables that is not above mentioned I give to my four sons to be Equaly divided between, them four, Ratifying & Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament in witness where of I have here unto Let my hand & Seal the day & year above written
Signed Sealed published pronounced | Daniel Wheelock, Jur |
Declared by the Said Daniel Wheelock as his Last will & testament in the presence of us the subscribers
Israel Cook
Keziah Hunt (mark)
Aaron Arnold
Glocester September the 15th AD 1781 In town Council the Executrix within Named Presents this will for probate : Aaron Arnold Esq, Kezia Hunt and Israel Cook the witness to this will on Solemn Engagement before this Council, declared that they saw the testator Daniel Wheelock Jun Sign and Seal the with in writting to be his last will and Testament & heard him declare it to be so : and he at that time appeared to be in perfect mind & memory, and that they at the Same time in his and each others presence subscribed their names as witnesses : Wherefore it is voted & Resolved that said will be moved approved, and hereby is ordered to be Recorded - voted & passed [] Witness R : Steere [] and Record by Richard Steere [].
Where as Daniel Wheelock Juner of Glocester in the county of Providence & yeoman, who departed this life on the [blank] day of [blank] In the year of our Lord AD 1781 : did in & by his Last Will & Testament Name and appoint his wife Kezia Sole Executrix of his Said will as the Said Keziah having [time?] moved Said will, by & before the town Council of Said Glocester this fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & eighty one.
[These?] are therefore to order and fully Impower you the Said Kezia : Wheelock, so take in to your care custody and possession all & Singular the personall Estate, Rights, and Credits of him the Said Daniel Wheelock that did belong to him at the time of his death & on the Same to administer by paying his Just debts & legacies & acting in all matter & things, Relating the afore Said premises as you by Law and the afore Said will are Required to do, and be Read at all times do Render a true & just account of your doing Relating the Said Premises when Legally called there unto : unto the Said town Council or there [?] on in Said office when legally called there unto given by order of the aforesaid town Council the siad fifteenth day of Septemeber and Sealed with their Seal by then order of Richard Steere [Councilor?] and Recorded by Richard Steere [Counciler?]
(Transcribed by Roderick B. Sullivan, Jr., Mar 2000)