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Nancy (--?--)
Spouse: John Wheelock
- Republican Advocate (Batavia, New York), 27 July 1841, p. 3, col. 4;, accessed 2 April 2024.
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Horatio E. Andrews
Birth: 20 Mar 1834, NY
- "Michigan, U.S., Death Records, 1867-1952," database with images, ( : accessed 3 Apr 2024), Horatio Erastus Andrews (1913), Wexford County, Michigan; Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing, Michigan.
- 1900 U.S. census, Leslie, Ingham County, Michigan, household of Horatio and Martha Andrews; Says Horatio Andrews born March 1833.
Death: 11 Mar 1913, Cadillac, Wexford Co, MI
- "Michigan, U.S., Death Records, 1867-1952," database with images, ( : accessed 3 Apr 2024), Horatio Erastus Andrews (1913), Wexford County, Michigan; Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing, Michigan.
Burial: Maple Hill Cemetery, Cadillac, Wexford Co, MI
- Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed April 3, 2024), gravestone photo for CPL Horatio Erastus Andrews, Find a Grave Memorial ID 15045726, Maple Hill Cemetery, Cadillac, Wexford Co, MI.
Father: Jasper Andrews
Mother: Sarah Watson
Spouse: Martha Winslow
Marriage: about 1854
- 1900 U.S. census, Leslie, Ingham County, Michigan, household of Horatio and Martha Andrews.
Spouse: Florence McMichael
Marriage: 15 Apr 1903, Lansing, Ingham Co, MI
- "Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 3 April 2024), Horatio E. Andrews and Florence McMickels (1903); FHL 977064, image 63 of 753.
In 1850, Horation was living in Machias, Cattaraugus County, New York, age 17, son of Jasper and Sally Andrews.
By 1860 he had married Martha and was living in Machias. On 8 Aug 1862 he enlisted in the Civil War at Machias, a private. He was mustered into the 154th Infantry as a private, was promoted to Corporal on 1 Jan 1863, and was wounded at Chancellorsville, 2 May 1863. He was discharged for his wounds on 27 Dec 1863 in Washington, D.C.1
On 14 Oct 1882, Horatio E. Andrews posted bond on the estate of his father in law, Ira Winslow.2
- "U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865," database, ( : accessed 3 Apr 2024); from various Civil War sources compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, Massachusetts.
- Ingham County, Michigan, Probate records, case/packet no. 2036, Ira Winslow (1882); FHL 1010653, image 6 and especially 14 of 1153.
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Jasper Andrews
Spouse: Sarah Watson
- Horatio E. Andrews, born 20 Mar 1834, NY
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Fred Arnold
Spouse: Florence McMichael
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Christopher Berringer
Birth: 13 Sep 1834, Wurttemburg, Germany
- "Michigan, U.S., Death Records, 1867-1952," database with images, ( : accessed 1 Apr 2024), Christopher Berringer (1909), Eaton County, Michigan; Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing, Michigan.
Death: 24 Dec 1909, Charlotte, Eaton Co, MI
- "Michigan, U.S., Death Records, 1867-1952," database with images, ( : accessed 1 Apr 2024), Christopher Berringer (1909), Eaton County, Michigan; Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing, Michigan.
Burial: Maple Hill Cemetery, Charlotte, Eaton Co, MI
- Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed April 1, 2024), gravestone photo for Christopher Berringer (1837–1909), Find a Grave Memorial ID 62452199, Maple Hill Cemetery, Charlotte, Eaton Co, MI.
Spouse: Josephine H. Parker
Marriage: about 1864
- 1900 U.S. census, Charlotte, Eaton County, Michigan, household of Christopher and Josephine H. Berringer.
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Charlotte Butler
Partner: Cyrus W. Childs
- Augusta Childs, born 11 Nov 1844, Ingham Co, MI
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Lydia Kellogg
Spouse: Stephen Winslow
Marriage: about 1790, Sheffield, Berkshire Co, MA
- Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old world and the New (San Francisco: Sunset Press, 1903), p. 245-46, online at ( : accessed 3 Apr 2024).
- Ira Winslow, born about Jan 1807, NY
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Florence McMichael
Birth: 28 Jul 1863, MI
- "Michigan, U.S., Death Records, 1867-1952," database with images, ( : accessed 3 Apr 2024), Florence Estelle Andrews (1932) (indexed as Ambrose), Wexford County, Michigan; Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing, Michigan; Says she was 35 years old.
- "Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 3 April 2024), Horatio E. Andrews and Florence McMickels (1903); FHL 977064, image 63 of 753.
Death: 18 Apr 1932, Cadillac, Wexford Co, MI
- "Michigan, U.S., Death Records, 1867-1952," database with images, ( : accessed 3 Apr 2024), Florence Estelle Andrews (1932) (indexed as Ambrose), Wexford County, Michigan; Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing, Michigan.
Burial: Maple Hill Cemetery, Cadillac, Wexford Co, MI
- Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed April 3, 2024), gravestone photo for Florence Estelle McMichael Andrews (1863–1932), Find a Grave Memorial ID 109949798, Maple Hill Cemetery, Cadillac, Wexford Co, MI, maintained by Terry Gosselin (contributor 47489321).
Spouse: Fred Arnold
Spouse: Horatio E. Andrews
Marriage: 15 Apr 1903, Lansing, Ingham Co, MI
- "Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 3 April 2024), Horatio E. Andrews and Florence McMickels (1903); FHL 977064, image 63 of 753.
Research Notes:
Per marriage record she had been married previously, so McMickels [McMichael] may not have been her maiden name. She was thirty-five years old at the time of her marriage to Horatio Andrews, placing her birth around 1868.
In 1910 she was 41, born Michigan, mother of two children, both living. Florence was living with Horatio and her son, Wayne Andrews, who was a 23 year old civil engineer. This would place his birth circa 1887, well before she married Horatio. Likely Wayne was a child from her previous marriage, who either had adopted the surname Andrews, or it was a mistake in the census.
She may be the Florence Andrews in Ann Arbor in 1920, widowed, age 52, born Michigan, father born Michigan, mother born New York.
She is probably the Florence E. Andrews in 1930 living in Cadillac, Wexford Co, Michigan, age 64, widowed, who was 20 years old when she first married. By implication, she was born circa 1866 in Michigan, first married about 1886.
She wasn't found in the 1940 census.
Florence E. Andrews (1863-1932) is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Cadillac, Michigan - same cemetery as Horatio Andrews.1
Per death certificate Florence Estelle Andrews died in Cadillac, Wexford County, Michigan, 18 Apr 1932, the wife of Horatio E. Andrews. She was born 28 Jan 1863 in [unreadable] Michigan, the daughter of James McMichael, born Michigan, and Jane Shaw, born Michigan.The informant was Wayne L. Arnold, of Jackson, Michigan - likely her son.2
Wayne L. Arnold was living in 1930 with his wife, Minne R. Arnold. Wayne was a civil engineer, born about 1884 in Michigan, consistent with the 1910 census (except for the last name, which was mistakenly listed as Andrews instead of Arnold).
On 12 Dec 1911, he married Minnie Rose McKnight at Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Per marriage certificate, he was the son of Fred Arnold and Florence McMichael.3
- FindAGrave memorial # 109949798.
- "Michigan, U.S., Death Records, 1867-1952," database with images, ( : accessed 3 Apr 2024), Florence Estelle Andrews (1932) (indexed as Ambrose), Wexford County, Michigan; Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing, Michigan.
- "Michigan, U.S., Marriage Records, 1867-1952", database, ( : accessed 3 Apr 2024), Wayne L. Arnold and Minnie Rose McKnight (1911), Caddilac, Wexford County, Michigan, Marriage Records, 1867-1952, Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing.
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Almond C. Walters
Birth: 24 May 1842, NY
- "Oregon, U.S., State Deaths, 1864-1971," database with images, ( : accessed 1 Apr 2024); Almond C Walters death (1925); Oregon Death Records, 1864-1971, Oregon State Archives, Salem, Oregon.
Death: 24 Feb 1925, Newport, Lincoln Co, OR
- "Oregon, U.S., State Deaths, 1864-1971," database with images, ( : accessed 1 Apr 2024); Almond C Walters death (1925); Oregon Death Records, 1864-1971, Oregon State Archives, Salem, Oregon.
Burial: River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR
- Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed April 1, 2024), gravestone photo for Almond C. Walters (1843–1925), Find a Grave Memorial ID 78765630, River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR, maintained by James Burke (contributor 17941237).
Spouse: Serepta C. Parker
Marriage: 29 Jun 1871, Charlotte, Eaton Co, MI
- "Michigan, U.S., Marriage Records, 1867-1952", database, ( : accessed 1 Apr 2024), Cerepta C. Parker and Almon C. Walters (1871), Eaton County, Michigan, Marriage Records, 1867-1952, Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing.
Almond C. Walters was enumerated in the 1890 Veterans Schedules, a resident of Charlotte, Eaton County, Michigan (June 1890). During the Civil War he was a sergeant in the 101st New York Infantry, enlisted 7 Mar 1862, discharged 20 Aug 1865.1
Per Civil War Pensions Index, he served in the 188th and 101st New York Infantries. He filed for a pension 19 July 1889. His widow, Serepta C Walters filed for a widows pension on 21 Sep 1925.2
In the Prattsburgh, Steuben County, New York, town clerk's registry of men who served in the Civil War, dated 10 Aug 1865, Almond Caton Walters was listed as a resident of Prattsburg, born 24 May 1846 in Urbana, New York, son of Eunce Tuthermon(?), his father deceased. He was a private in the 101st New York Infantry, discharged Sep 1863.3
- "1890 Veterans Schedules of the U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry ( : accessed 1 Apr 2024); Special Schedules of the Eleventh Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War, National Archives Microfilm Publication M123, 118 rolls, Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15, National Archives in Washington, D.C.
- "U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934," database with images, Ancestry ( : accessed 1 Apr 2024), Almond C. Walters; General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, NARA publication T288, 546 rolls.
- "New York, U.S., Town Clerks' Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War," database with images, Ancestry ( : accessed 1 Apr 2024), Almond Caton Walters; Town Clerks' Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War, ca 1865–1867, Microfilm publication, 37 rolls, New York State Archives, Albany.
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Sarah Watson
Spouse: Jasper Andrews
- Horatio E. Andrews, born 20 Mar 1834, NY
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Stephen Winslow
Spouse: Lydia Kellogg
Marriage: about 1790, Sheffield, Berkshire Co, MA
- Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old world and the New (San Francisco: Sunset Press, 1903), p. 245-46, online at ( : accessed 3 Apr 2024).
- Ira Winslow, born about Jan 1807, NY
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