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Richard Everett Grover

Spouse: Josephine Laura Wheelock
Marriage: 6 Aug 1957, South Portland, Cumberland Co, ME

  1. Richard Everett Grover, born 1 Mar 1958


Richard, who often when by the name Everett, was the son of Alma Frances Herrick.1


  1. "Mrs Alma Frances Cossar," Evening Express (Portland, Maine), 12 May 1973, p. 2, col. 1;, accessed 18 October 2023.

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Ruth Huntington

Birth: about 1682

Death: 31 Aug 1725

Burial: Windham Centre Cemetery, Windham, CT

Spouse: Ralph Wheelock
Marriage: 8 Jan 1707/8, Windham, CT

  1. Elizabeth Wheelock, born 25 May 1709, Windham, CT
  2. Eleazar Wheelock, born 22 Apr 1711, Windham, CT
  3. Ruth Wheelock, born 25 May 1713, Windham, CT
  4. Abigail Wheelock, born 3 Mar 1717, Windham, CT
  5. John Wheelock, born 20 Jan 1719/20, Windham, CT
  6. Sarah Wheelock, born 7 Jul 1725, Windham, CT


The Windham Centre Cemetery in Windham, CT. contains a headstone with the following inscription: "Mrs. Ruth, late wife of Mr. Ralph Wheelock who died August ye 31st 1725 & in ye 43 year of her age."1

Ruth was the daughter of Christopher Huntington, Jr. and Sarah (Adgate) Huntington.2


  1. Winhdam, CT Rootsweb WWW Genealogy Page, 1998
  2. Windham Vital Records.

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Edward Everett Lee

Birth: 9 Oct 1852, Providence, Providence Co, RI

Death: 10 Jul 1934, Wakefield, Middlesex Co, MA

Father: Benjamin Hare
Mother: Elizabeth Peck Lee

Spouse: Anne Wheelock
Marriage: 1 Jun 1876, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA

  1. Helen Gertrude Lee, born 31 Jan 1878, Pawtucket, Providence Co, RI
  2. George Wheelock Lee, born 24 Nov 1879, Pawtucket, Providence Co, RI
  3. Ruth Hall Lee, born 1 Sep 1883, Wakefield, Middlesex Co, MA
  4. Edward Guild Lee, born 14 Jul 1885, Wakefield, Middlesex Co, MA
  5. Alfred Rogers Lee, born 6 Jul 1887, Wakefield, Middlesex Co, MA
  6. Anne Elizabeth Lee, born 27 Sep 1888, Wakefield, Middlesex Co, MA
  7. Horace Newton Lee, born 13 Oct 1889, Wakefield, Middlesex Co, MA


He was the son of Benjamin Hare and Elizabeth P. Lee, per marriage record.

He and his wife lived in the Greenwood neighborhood of Wakefield for many years. He was director of the Wakfield Trust Company, one of the founders of the Greenwood Union Church, and a selectman. He operated the grocery store of E. E. Lee & Company.1

Research Notes:

In Sep 1847, Benjamin Hare married Elizabeth Peck Lee in Providence, Rhode Island.2

In 1860 the couple was living in Providence, ward 1. Edward Hare, age 34, carpenter, born in Connecticut, and Elizabeth P. Hare, age 34, born in Massachusetts are living with Lewis A. Hare, age 7, born Rhode Island, and Frank E. Hare, age 5, born Rhode Island. Both children are probably from a previous marriage.

Edward E. Lee was born 9 Oct 1852, in Providence, Rhode Island, per Wheelock Family of Calais.

By 1860 he and his mother were living in Cumberland Rhode Island - with no other household members. Elizabeth Hair, age 44, born in Massachusetts, and Edward E. Hair, age 7, born in Rhode Island, occupy their own dwelling.

In 1865 Elizabeth P. Hare, age 49, born in Massachusetts, was living on her own in Cumberland, Rhode Island.

In 1870, Edward B. Lee, age 17, born Rhode Island, clerk in stationary store, was living with member of the Wilkinson family, in Pawtucket.

In 1875 the two were living together again in Pawtucket: Elizabeth P. Lee, age 59, head of household, born Cumberland, and Edward E. Lee, age 22, son, single, clerk by profession.

Likely Benjamin Hare and Elizabeth Lee separated before 1860 (or before 1854, see below), when she and her son are living in a different household from Benjamin Hare. Between 1860 and 1870, Edward started going by his mother's surname, rather than his fathers.

Probably this is the same Benjamin Hare of Providence, Rhode Island, age 39, cabinet maker, born Woodstock, Connecticut, son of Roswell and Ann Hare, that married 5 Dec 1854 Lydia A. Engles, of Providence, Rhode Island, age 31, ceremony held in Millbury, Massachusetts (MA 80:248).


  1. Boston Herald, 12 July 1924; and The Wheelock Family of Calais.
  2. Arnold, Vital Records of Rhode Island, vol 2, p. 87.

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Cecilia Mary Meyers

Birth: 22 Dec 1903, Meridan, Cherokee Co, IA

Death: 9 Nov 1977, Vancouver, Clark Co, WA

Spouse: Leslie Cyril Wheelock
Marriage: 23 Sep 1922, Sioux City, Woodbury co, IA

  1. Rita Marie Wheelock, born 23 Mar 1923, Cherokee, Cherokee Co, IA
  2. James Leroy Wheelock, born 18 Nov 1924, Cherokee, Cherokee Co, IA
  3. Patricia Ann Wheelock, born 4 Sep 1929, Iowa Falls, Hardin Co, IA
  4. Robert Dean Wheelock, born 27 Sep 1936, Cherokee, Cherokee Co, IA


Cecilia was the second eldest in her family. She loved family and felt a lot of loyalty to family members. She was a lady with great talents to sew, knit, tat, crochet etc. She loved what she called "fancy work, " and made things for many people. She worked for a short time as a gift wrapper at Yonkers Department store in Sioux City Iowa. Mostly she was housewife and mother. She always had good food on the table and lots of baked goods. Her home was always open to everyone and all of her children took advantage to invite in friends for meals and to stay over night. Cecilia also liked to take a nip and at one stage of her life drank too much. She has some problems with emotional health, lots of arthritis pain and had a series of various kinds of heart attacks. Cecilia loved to dance. She was a member of a drill team for the ladies auxiliary of the Eagles in Sioux city. She played the piano rather well, and was involved in church organizations, dinners etc. (Notes of Father Robert Wheelock, son of Cecilia.)


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Fred M. Ray

Partner: Nellie Gertrude Wheelock


Fred was from North Dakota.


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Kate Sheridan

Birth: 19 Oct 1855, NY

Death: 22 Jan 1893

Burial: Hardwick Cemetery, Hardwick, Worcester Co, MA.

Spouse: Albert Wheelock

  1. Calvin Wheelock, born 29 Aug 1874, Bennington, Bennington Co, VT


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Corralinn Wheelock

Birth: 16 Oct 1895, Calais, Washington, VT

Death: 8 Apr 1984

Burial: Robinson Cemetery, Calais, VT

Father: Omar Wheelock
Mother: Hattie Collier

Spouse: Arthur Henry Lacross
Marriage: 3 Jul 1916, Barre, Washington Co, VT

  1. Henry Omar Lacross, born 3 Jul 1917, Barre, VT
  2. Howard Lewis Lacross, born 16 Sep 1922, Potsdam, NY

Partner: Walter Leno


Corralinn's name is frequently mispelled in the records, often transcribed as Caroline or Coraline. Her birth records spell the name Coralinn, but she spelled in with two r's, at least in her later years.1 She was the twin of Catherine.

In 1930, Corralinn was living in Barre, Vermont, with her husband Arthur, and son Henry. Corralinn and Arthur had divored by 1940, when Arthur was still living in Barre, with his son, Henry. By then, Carralinn had remarried, and was living in Manchester, New Hampshire with her husband, Walter E. Leno.


  1. For birth, see "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 February 2024), Coralinn Wheelock (1895); FHL 540158; for Corralinn's signature, see Washington County, Vermont, probate records, case 1151, Omar Wheelock, FHL 4,238,141, image 21 of 467.

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Thomas (Tom) Keith Wheelock

Father: Larry Arthur Wheelock
Mother: Ruth Elma Pruess

Partner: Jilliana Ellis Wheelock

  1. Preston Lloyd Wheelock
  2. Kimberly Wheelock


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