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Henry Jacobs
Birth: 12 Jun 1837, Montpelier, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 17 Nov 2020), Henry Jacobs birth; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL 004666999.
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 17 Nov 2020), Henry Jacobs death; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL 005204334.
Death: 28 Feb 1917, Middlesex, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 17 Nov 2020), Henry Jacobs death; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL 005204334.
Father: George W. Jacobs
Mother: Orilla Ellis
Spouse: Irena Chase
Marriage: 2 Dec 1858, Calais, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 17 Nov 2020), Henry Jacobs - Irena Chase; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL 004666999.
- George Jason Jacobs, born 17 Jun 1860, East Montpelier, Washington Co, VT
Spouse: Lois Nichols Wheelock
Marriage: 3 Jan 1864, Calais, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 17 Nov 2020), George W. Jacobs - Lois N. Wheelock; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL 004666999.
- Irwin Elmer Jacobs, born 1 Dec 1871, Calais, Washington Co, VT
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Roxie Marie Neill
Birth: 12 Nov 1937, Northfield, VT
- Records of Arlene (Jeronime) Fitzgerald, granddaughter of Omar Wheelock and Hattie Collier, Mar 2000.
Father: Truman Earnest Neill
Mother: Madine Grace Hathaway
Spouse: Everett Roger Allen
Marriage: 18 Jun 1958, Jerico, VT
- Records of Arlene (Jeronime) Fitzgerald, granddaughter of Omar Wheelock and Hattie Collier, Mar 2000.
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Cornea Nicholson
Spouse: Dexter Wheelock
Marriage: 8 Dec 1883, Adams Co, IL
- "Illinois Marriages, 1815-1935," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 8 January 2016), Dexter Wheelock and Cornea Nicholson, 08 Dec 1883; citing Adams County, Illinois; FHL microfilm 965,274.
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Almon Wheelock
Birth: 1927
- Records of Elizabeth (Wheelock) Davis, daughter of Almon Milo Wheelock, Sep 2005.
Father: Almon Milo Wheelock
Mother: Philomene Bourgeois
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Betty Jean Wheelock
Birth: 1 Mar 1929, Warren, Warren Co, PA
- Records of Betty Jean (Wheelock) Sullivan, Dec 2001.
Death: 27 Feb 2007, Enfield, Hartford Co, CT
- Records of Roderick Beebe Sullivan, Jr, 1 Mar 2007.
Burial: Pine Grove Cemetery, Russell, Warren Co, PA
- Records of Roderick Beebe Sullivan, Jr, 1 Mar 2007.
Father: Ellis Harold Wheelock
Mother: Marion Fawcett
Spouse: Roderick Beebe Sullivan
Marriage: 23 Mar 1952, Russell, Warren Co, PA
- "Church Nuptials at Russell for Betty Jean Wheelock, Roderick B. Sullivan," Warren Times Mirror (Warren, Pennsylvania), 26 Mar 1952, p. 10, col. 1;, accessed 16 December 2023.
Divorce: 5 Sep 1979, Enfield, CT
- Records of Roderick B. Sullivan, Jr, Sep 2005.
- Roderick Beebe Sullivan, born 19 Oct 1953, Washington, DC
- Kevin Ellis Sullivan, born 10 Apr 1957, East Hartford, CT
Betty Jean Wheelock was born in Warren, Pennsylvania 1 Mar 1929, daughter of Ellis Wheelock and Marion (Fawcett) Wheelock. She grew up in Russell, PA, and attended the Russell High School, grades 1 through 12, from 1935 to 1947. She was very active in the high school, was well known and well liked by all. She played guard on the Varsity Girls Basketball team, and remained an active fan of girls basketball for the rest of her life. She was a member of the school band, played piano and saxaphone, and was the lead Drum Majorette. She continued her love of the piano into adulthood, playing frequently for herself and family. Betty was active in the Methodist Youth Fellowship, and enjoyed bicycle riding.
After graduation she worked for a time at Bell Telephone (June 1947 - Sept 1948) before beginning her nurses training at Women's Christian Association Hospital, in Jamestown, NY. At the time, careers for women were against the cultural norm, but she was determined to advance her education and provide for her own means. After several years of study she graduated in Sept 1951 with a Nurses Diploma. She pursued the profession of nursing in various capacities until her retirement in 1993. Though not always easy, the work served her well, and would provide a much needed financial boost to her family in coming years. It was through nursing that she met her future husband, Roderick Beebe Sullivan, of Jamestown, NY. They married in the Russell Methodist Church in Pennsylvania on 23 Mar 1952.
Betty's nursing helped fund her husband's education at the University of Maryland, during which time she worked at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore (Mar 1952 - Oct 1952), and then at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C. (Oct 1952 - Sep 1953). Her first son, Roderick Beebe Sullivan, Jr. was born 19 Oct 1953. For a time afterward, Betty was unable to work, resulting in financial hardship for the family. These were difficult months, but she soon started work again at Prince Georges County Hospital, Maryland, and later at Glendale Hospital, Glendale, Maryland.
In 1956, her husband finished his degree in Business Administration, and the family moved to East Hartford, Connecticut, where he found employment with Pratt & Whitney, and later with Connecticut Light and Power. Despite the demands of motherhood, Betty worked part time at the Hartford Hospital. In 1 Mar 1957 the family moved to Marlborough, CT, and a month later her second son, Kevin Ellis Sullivan was born on April 10th.
Her husbands career required frequent moves. The family moved to Bristol, CT, in the summer of 1962, to Southington in the summer of 1966, and to Somers in the summer of 1972. During this period, Betty continued to work as a nurse at local hospitals. For a time she worked as a Visiting Nurse with the Meridan Visiting Nurses Association.
In 1979 she moved to Enfield, Conn, where she remained for the rest of her life. In a desire to advance her education and strengthen her nursing credentials, she went back to school at Eastern Connecticut State University, where, in 1986, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology.
After 42 years of professional nursing, she retired in 1993. In retirement, she actively pursued her hobbies which included playing golf, sewing, gardening, traveling, and investing. She was a member of the Veterans Golf League in East Long Meadow, the Somers Congregational Church, the American Association of Retired Persons, and worked as a volunteer for the Red Cross.
In 2003 she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She fought the disease with chemotherapy for three and a half years, before succumbing to it's ravages. On Feb 27th, 2007 she died in the comfort of her home, with her children nearby.
(Written by Roderick B. Sullivan, Jr, Dec 2001, and March 2007)
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Elmer Charles Wheelock
Birth: 20 Mar 1885
- "Barber genealogy (in two sections) Section I. Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Conn. 1614-1909. Section II. Descendants of John Barber of Worcester, Mass. 1714-1909", published by John Barber White, edited by Lillian Mae Wilson, Haverhill, Mass. Press of the Nichols Print, 1909; found at, Aug 2012.
Death: 8 Dec 1885
- "Barber genealogy (in two sections) Section I. Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Conn. 1614-1909. Section II. Descendants of John Barber of Worcester, Mass. 1714-1909", published by John Barber White, edited by Lillian Mae Wilson, Haverhill, Mass. Press of the Nichols Print, 1909; found at, Aug 2012.
Father: Charles Stowell Wheelock
Mother: Lydia Louise McDonough
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Fannie Susan Wheelock
Birth: 20 Jul 1857
- Private Records of Anne Milligan Rudolph, descendant of Thomas Jefferson Wheelock, Aug 1999.
Death: 6 Nov 1936
- Private Records of Anne Milligan Rudolph, descendant of Thomas Jefferson Wheelock, Aug 1999.
Father: Henry Francis Wheelock
Mother: Louisa Abigail Rice
Partner: Watson Benjamin Hewett
- Ann Rebecca Hewett, born 22 Sep 1877
- Charles Watson Hewett, born 4 Jan 1888
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Henry Francis Wheelock
Birth: 22 Mar 1863, Dudley, Worcester Co, MA
- Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910, Vol 161, Page 155 (From original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004.)
Death: 1935
- Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 27 March 2021), headstone photo for Henry F. Wheelock (1863–1935), Find a Grave Memorial no. 173419869, Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Denmark, Oxford Co, ME, maintained by Connie Lagasse Russell (contributor 47359327).
Burial: Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Denmark, Oxford Co, ME
- Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 27 March 2021), headstone photo for Henry F. Wheelock (1863–1935), Find a Grave Memorial no. 173419869, Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Denmark, Oxford Co, ME, maintained by Connie Lagasse Russell (contributor 47359327).
Father: Henry Wheelock
Mother: Cordelia McCoach
Spouse: Henrietta J. Warren
Marriage: 6 Sep 1893, Rockland, Knox Co, ME
- "Maine, U.S., Marriage Records, 1713-1922," database with images, ( : accessed 27 Mar 2021), Henrietta J. Warren (Marren in index) - Henry F. Wheelock (Wheeler in index); citing Maine Marriage Records, 1713-1922, State Archives, Augusta, Maine.
Research Notes:
His Rockland, Knox Co, Maine marriage record identifies his parents as Henry Wheelock, stonemason, and Cordelia M. Coach.
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Lucretia Wheelock
Birth: 2 Sep 1812, Eden, Lamoille Co, VT
- Vermont Vital Records to 1870, Microfilm Collection, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Boston, MA.
Death: 9 Nov 1881, West Boylston, Worcester Co, MA
- "Gregory Stone Genealogy: Ancestry and Descendants of Dea. Gregory Stone of Cambridge, Mass., 1320-1917", by J. Gardner Bartlett.
Father: Walter Wheelock
Mother: Betsey Johnson
Spouse: Stillman Stone
Marriage: 30 Jan 1837, Eden, Lamoille Co, VT
- "Gregory Stone Genealogy: Ancestry and Descendants of Dea. Gregory Stone of Cambridge, Mass., 1320-1917", by J. Gardner Bartlett.
- Hannah Lucretia Stone, born 1 Nov 1837, Dorchester, MA
- Martin Wheelock Stone, born 4 Mar 1839, Dorchester, MA
- Lucy Pierce Stone, born 31 Oct 1840, Dorchester, MA
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Mary Anna Wheelock
Birth: Dec 1848, NY
- Private records of Nancy Docherty, descendent of Joseph Wheelock and Judith Foster, through Dolly Wheelock, Oct 1998.
Death: after 1900
- Private records of Nancy Docherty, descendent of Joseph Wheelock and Judith Foster, through Dolly Wheelock, Oct 1998.
Father: Rufus Wheelock
Mother: Hannah Robinson
Partner: Gilbert Gardner
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E. J. Woodbury
Spouse: Rufus W. Wheelock
Marriage: 10 Sep 1873, Lawrence, Essex Co, MA
- Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841 - 1910, Lawrence Marriage Record, Vol 253, Pg 244; online database at, Apr 2008.
- Theo W. Wheelock, born 25 Jul 1885, Lawrence, Essex Co, MA
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