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Clark S. Gray
Birth: 6 Jul 1813, East Montpelier, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 15 June 2022), Clark S. Gray death; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL film 540094; Aged 78 years 6 months 11 days.
- Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 15 June 2022), gravestone photo for Clark S. Gray (6 Jul 1813–17 Jan 1892), Find a Grave Memorial ID 19536283, Fairview Cemetery, East Calais, Washington Co, VT, maintained by Bill McKern (contributor 46817687).
Death: 17 Jan 1892, Calais, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 15 June 2022), Clark S. Gray death; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL film 540094.
- Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 15 June 2022), gravestone photo for Clark S. Gray (6 Jul 1813–17 Jan 1892), Find a Grave Memorial ID 19536283, Fairview Cemetery, East Calais, Washington Co, VT, maintained by Bill McKern (contributor 46817687).
Burial: Fairview Cemetery, East Calais, Washington Co, VT
- Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 15 June 2022), gravestone photo for Clark S. Gray (6 Jul 1813–17 Jan 1892), Find a Grave Memorial ID 19536283, Fairview Cemetery, East Calais, Washington Co, VT, maintained by Bill McKern (contributor 46817687).
Father: Isaac Gray
Mother: Betsey Stevens
Spouse: Luthera C. Wheelock
Marriage: 7 Jan 1841, Montpelier, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 15 June 2022), Luthera C. Wheelock - Clark S. Gray; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL film 27564.
- Elliot S. Gray, born 8 Dec 1843, East Montpelier, Washington Co, VT
- George Henry Gray, born calculated 26 Sep 1844, East Montpelier, Washington Co, VT
- Charles Augustus Gray, born 1847, East Montpelier, Washington Co, VT
Research Notes:
In The Wheelock Family of Calais M. W. Waite identifies his parents as Isaac Gray and Betsey Stevens. But his Vermont state death record identifies his parents as Nathaniel Gray and Sally Merritt.1
The vital and probate records support the claim made by M. W. Waite. The will of Betsey Gray, of East Montpelier, written 7 Feb 1887, probated 30 Jan 1891, leaves a bequest to "my brother, Clark S. Gray," and to "my sister, Mary Stevens." The will also mentions her brother Isaac Gray, his children, as well as "George H. Gray and Charles A. Gray, children of my brother Clark S. Gray."2 The death record of Betsey Gray, dated 24 Dec 1890, East Montpelier, identifies her parents as Isaac Gray and Betsey Stevens, thereby connecting Clark S. Gray to his parents - Isaac and Betsey.3 Except for his death record, no other record was found that ties Clark to Nathaniel Gray and/or Sally Merritt.
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 15 June 2022), Clark S. Gray death; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL film 540094.
- Washington County, Vermont, probate records, Wills & Executors, Vol 7, p. 139, will of Betsey Gray.
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 16 June 2022), Betsey Gray death; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL film 540094.
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Abigail Lawton
Spouse: Godfrey Wheelock
Marriage: 30 Nov 1827, Watertown, Middlesex Co, MA
- Attleborough Vital Records to the End of 1849
- Catharine Francis Wheelock, born 4 Nov 1829, Pawtucket, RI
- William Godfrey Wheelock, born 7 Mar 1832, Pawtucket, RI
- Mary Augusta Wheelock, born 7 Nov 1834, Attleboro, Bristol Co, MA
- Thomas Seabury Wheelock, born 12 Nov 1838, Attleboro, Bristol Co, MA
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Louisa Abigail Rice
Birth: 24 Apr 1832
- Private Records of Anne Milligan Rudolph, descendant of Thomas Jefferson Wheelock, Aug 1999.
Death: 8 Jun 1895
- Private Records of Anne Milligan Rudolph, descendant of Thomas Jefferson Wheelock, Aug 1999.
Spouse: Henry Francis Wheelock
Marriage: 1856
- Fannie Susan Wheelock, born 20 Jul 1857
- Martha Elizabeth Wheelock, born 3 Sep 1860
- Cora Emma Wheelock, born 22 Jul 1862
- Ella Maria Wheelock, born 15 Apr 1864
- Henrietta J. Wheelock, born 25 Apr 1868
- William Henry Wheelock, born 21 Sep 1870
- Grace Mabel Wheelock, born 1 Jan 1873
- Jennie Louise Wheelock, born 13 May 1875
Loisa Abigail Rice was the niece of Louisa Abail Rice, wife of Thomas Jefferson Wheelock.
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Clifton Spines
Partner: Minnie Horder
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Sarah C. Thornton
Birth: 5 Mar 1830
- Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 27 August 2019), headstone photo for Sarah Converse Wheelock, wife of Cyrus Wheelock, Find A Grave Memorial no. 53600478, Center Cemetery, Lyman, Grafton Co, NH, maintained by Douglas Little (contributor 46816129).
Death: 11 Apr 1872
- Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 27 August 2019), headstone photo for Sarah Converse Wheelock, wife of Cyrus Wheelock, Find A Grave Memorial no. 53600478, Center Cemetery, Lyman, Grafton Co, NH, maintained by Douglas Little (contributor 46816129).
Burial: Center Cemetery, Lyman, Grafton Co, NH
- Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 27 August 2019), headstone photo for Sarah Converse Wheelock, wife of Cyrus Wheelock, Find A Grave Memorial no. 53600478, Center Cemetery, Lyman, Grafton Co, NH, maintained by Douglas Little (contributor 46816129).
Father: Adna Thornton
Mother: Betsey Moulton
Spouse: Cyrus Wheelock
Marriage: 22 Nov 1853, Lyman, Grafton Co, NH
- "New Hampshire Marriages, 1720-1920," database, FamilySearch ( Index entries derived from digital copies of originals housed in various repositories throughout New Hampshire.
- Elizabeth B. Wheelock, born about 1855
- Adna Thornton Wheelock, born 1 Dec 1858
Her headstone gives her name as "Sarah Converse" husband of Cyrus Wheelock. However, the 1853 NH marriage record refers to her as Sarah C. Thornton.
She was age 23 when she married, suggesting that it was her first marriage, that her maiden name was Thornton, and her middle name probably Converse. Her parents were likely Adna Thornton (1791 - 1842) and Betsey Moulton (1795 - 1885), as outlined in the following argument.
Adna Thornton is buried in the same cemetery as Sarah (Center Cemetery, Lyman, NH). Per headstone, his wife was Betsey M. Thornton. Betsey Thornton, age 54, is enumerated in the 1850 U.S. census living in Lyman, Grafton Co, NH, in the household of Michael and Hanna Stevens, with Sarah C. Thornton, age 19. This is likely Sarah Converse Thornton. Adna had died in 1842 (per headstone), which is why he is not present in the 1850 census.
Cyrus Wheelock and Sarah Thornton had a son, Adna Thornton Wheelock, further reinforcing the idea that Adna Thornton was Sarah's father.
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Lois Tucker
Partner: A. J. Zimmer
- Clara Zimmer
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Adam Dexter Wheelock
Birth: 26 May 1823, Upton, Worcester Co, MA
Death: about 1897
- Online records of Green-Wood Cemetery,, May 2009.
Burial: 9 Jun 1897, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY
- Online records of Green-Wood Cemetery,, May 2009.
Father: Adam Wheelock
Mother: Betsey Robbins
Spouse: Laura Wood
Marriage: 3 Mar 1845, Mendon, Worcester Co, MA
- Florence Wheelock
- Clara Wheelock
- Laura Wheelock
- William Erving Wheelock, born 24 Sep 1852, Brooklyn, Kings CO, NY
- Helen Greenwood Wheelock, born 1851
Source of info about the children in this family is from Charles Earl Taylor, whose wife is a descendant of Charles Sumner Wheelock.
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Eleazer Wheelock
Birth: 15 Jul 1756, Mendon, Worcester Co, MA
Death: 1841
- "Soldiers, Sailors, and Patriots of the Revolutionary War - Vermont", by Major General Carleton Edward FIsher and Sue Gray Fisher, Picton Press, Camden, ME, 1992
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery, Rutland, VT
- "Rutland County, Vermont, Cemetery Inscriptions", by Margaret R. Jenks, Privately Published, 1995.
Father: Jonathan Wheelock
Mother: Ruth Daniels
Spouse: Thankful Maynard
Marriage: 9 Dec 1779, Westborough, Worcester Co, MA
- DAR records, Vol 17, pg 291, Miss Hortense I. Porter.
- Susanna Wheelock, born 28 May 1784, Rutland, Rutland Co, VT
- Hepzibah Wheelock, born about 1787
- Stephen Maynard Wheelock, born 1789
- John Wheelock, born 1791
Eleazar fought in the Revolutionary War. He marched on the Lexington Alarm with Captain Brigham's Company of Westborough Minute Men. He later served under his cousin, Captain Moses Wheelock.
The 1790 Federal Census shows Eleazar living in Rutland with 1 male under sixteen, and 2 females.
According to DAR records (Vol 17, Pg 291, Miss Hortense I. Porter, great-great-granddaughter of Eleazar Wheelock), Eleazar married Thankful Maynard, was placed on the Vermont Pension Roll, and died in Rutland, VT. "Soldier, Sailors, and Patriots of Vermont", Fisher and Fisher, 1992, reports that Eleazar is buried in Rutland, but that his grave was not located. "Rutland County Vermont Cemetery Inscriptions", by Margaret R. Jenks, 1995, Privately Printed, states that Eleazar was buried with his wife in Section 21, Evergreen Cemetery, Rutland, VT.
Buried next to Eleazar and his wife, Thankful Maynard, is Reverend Stephen M. Wheelock, 1789-1849, and Susan M. Wheelock, daughter of Stephen M. Wheelock and B.P., 1843-1849. Nearby is the grave of Hepsibah Wheelock (d. 6 Feb 1866, age 79), and her husband James Porter, MD (d. 1854, age 74 years).
The Records of the Congregational Church of Rutland, VT show that Stephen Maynard Wheelock, an ordained minister, was admitted to the church 19 May 1811, on which date he was also baptised. Based on the middle name Maynard, his burial next to Eleazar Wheelock and Thankful Maynard Wheelock, and the 1790 Census showing an additional male in the household, we reach the conclusion that he is a son of Eleazar and Thankful.
A Stephen M. Wheelock was Reverend at the Western Presbyterian Church in Palmyra, NY, 1817.1
- History of Palmyra, written in 1907 by the Women's Society of the Western Presbyterian Church, published 1907 in the The Herald Press, Rochester, NY, and found on the internet at
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Sally Wheelock
Birth: 4 Apr 1807, Calais, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 28 Mar 2021), Salley Wheelock birth; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL 004705397.
Death: 20 Jul 1837, Calais, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 28 Mar 2021), Sally Ide death; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL 004666998.
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 28 Mar 2021), Sallie Ide death; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL 004666998.
Father: Jennison Wheelock
Mother: Molly Wells
Spouse: Milton C. Ide
Marriage: 1 Jan 1829, Calais, Washington Co, VT
- "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, ( : accessed 28 Mar 2021), Sally Wheelock - Milton C Ide; citing Vermont State Archives & Records Administration, Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, Vermont; FHL 004666998.
- Dexter Ide, born 24 Jun 1832, Calais, Washington Co, VT
She was buried in East Calais Cemetery, per death record.
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Sarah C. Wheelock
Birth: 27 Sep 1824, Swanzey, Cheshire Co, NH
- Records of Su Wetzel (, a descendant of Phinehas Wheelock and Prudence Dodge, May 1999.
- "The History of Swanzey, New Hampshire, 1734 to 1890", by Benjamin Read, The Salem Press Publishing and Printing Co, Salem, MA, 1892; digitized and placed online at, 2009.
Death: 1 Jan 1871, VT
- Records of Su Wetzel (, a descendant of Phinehas Wheelock and Prudence Dodge, May 1999.
- "The History of Swanzey, New Hampshire, 1734 to 1890", by Benjamin Read, The Salem Press Publishing and Printing Co, Salem, MA, 1892; digitized and placed online at, 2009.
Father: William Elijah Wheelock
Mother: Harriet Porter
Spouse: Albert G. Hill
- Records of Su Wetzel (, a descendant of Phinehas Wheelock and Prudence Dodge, May 1999.
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